Jasper Remedies Pvt. Ltd. is growing company with proven capabilities in the areas of Pharmaceutical marketing. Company is incorporated under the Companies Act. 1956 (No. 1 of 1956) in year 1998. The Moto of company isto Improving Quality of Life. Over the years, Jasper has proved its presence in the market. We wanted to look beyond and find more ways in which we could increase Chemist margin of profit either by reasonable rates or good schemes or usable gifts. We initiated with fast moving formulations that can be sold over the counter. To make products within easy approach for chemist, We launched Mobile App Jasper4U - Chemist Ka Saathi. Itcan be downloaded from Google Play Store. The aim is to reach maximum chemist to extent Quality & Efficacy products along with more margin, more schemes and an attractive usable gift on every purchase. All offers are applicable only on advanced payment with advanced Payment offer, freight expenses compensation and Scratch Offer.

Registered Office
Jasper Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
38/315, Rajat Path, Mansarover, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020
Email: career@jasper4u.com, jasperav97@gmail.com
Call/Whatsapp: +91-9001999601, 9314071461